Say Hello To



Jim is Southern, through and through, but thinks he doesn’t have an accent.  Now in Tennessee for over 47 years, he has learned that it’s “pa-cahn” and not “pee-can” and “sa-ment” and not “see-ment.” He loves old buildings and never met a house museum he didn’t love for some reason or another and whether the tour is accurate or not.  They all have a tale to tell.

If he can make you smile or laugh, it makes his day. Embarrassing himself is always an option to get the desired results

Once he gets to know you, he can hold his own in conversation whether relevant, or not.

He watches the “Hoarders” show on occasion to make himself feel better about his “packrat tendencies” at home.

He’s found that Bob Ross’ “Joy of Painting” show is a guaranteed nap.  Once Bob paints the clouds, he’s down for about an hour or more and silence finally prevails.

“What a country chooses to save is what a country chooses to say about itself.”
